Terms and conditions

    • Please note that Khaldoon (KAL) Mahmoud has a © copy right for all his designs and artworks and all rights are reserved. 
    • Most of orginal designs and artworks are saved into (USB) except (Orientals taste, NZ shapes design, Still life artworks, some religious Arabic artworks, Kids artworks, Perosnal names, Modern paintings and sign lables).

Price list and some subjects

    • To get your design or artwork to be printed on paper (this price start from USD $10 and up plus postage and handling). 
    • To get it printed on canvas material only (the price start from USD $45 and up plus postage and handling).
    • To get it printed on T-shirt material (the price start from USD $35 plus postage and handling).
    • The price for (original) artworks and combination design and shape is USD $330 plus postage and handling and you will get your artwork or design printed on canvas material only (not streach on a wood frame) and size A1.
    • In case if you ask Khaldoon (KAL) to design your name, the price to do that is USD $30 plus postage and handling and you have to email (KAL) with your personal name in any language you wish and provide (KAL) with your hobbies, Thanks
    • In case if you ask (KAL) to design your personal name and get it printed on T-Shirt material in this case you have to proivde (KAL) with your personal name and three colours you wish to have with your hobbies and with your size and the price will be USD $50 plus postage and handling.
    • In case to place your order for any design, artwork and etc please email (KAL) with details such as section or the name of the page, the number of design and artwork along with your request.
    • In case if you need any Arabic artwork to be translated to (English language), (KAL) is ready to do that just email him.
    • By the way all designs and artworks for sale except (sign lables, NZ shape designs, English proverbs, Arabic proverbs and KIDS artworks), please note for sale for local people for business people also for sale print only but on (Negotiation) ONO bases, Thanks.
    • Please note that this Khaldoon (KAL) website contains (90%) new designs and artworks, hoping you will enjoy viewing (KAL) website, thanks for your time and custom
    • (KAL) aim is your satisfaction.

Contact details

Bank Account Details

  • Account Name: Mahmoud Khaldoon
    Account Number: 03 0118 0132 148 – 000

لاحظوا رجاءا ان إيميلكم لن يظهر عند تعليقكم علي الموقع و شكرا لزيارتكم
Please note that your email will not appear in the website upon your comments on the website. Thank you !

47 thoughts on “Terms and conditions”

  1. ابو مصطفى

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته كيف الحال اخي الحبيب اسال الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم ان تكون بخير وعافيه
    احلى رسم واحلى فن كل أعمالك جميله وذوق
    سبحان الله حين تنظر الى الوحات الفنية ترى فيها جمال مختلف تشعر بالهدوء وراحة تسلم يديك من نجاح الى نجاح نتمنى لك دوام الصحة والعافية
    احلى ابو محمد الورد

  2. اابو مصطفى

    Assalam alaikum brother Abu Mohammad,
    MashAllah, beautiful and unique like always.
    Wishing you more success and big accomplishments in the coming years.
    Fantastic pieces of art mashAllah.

  3. اابو مصطفى

    Assalam alaikum brother Abu Mohammad,
    MashAllah, beautiful and unique like always.
    Wishing you more success and big accomplishments in the coming years.
    Fantastic pieces of art mashAllah.

  4. Hi Khaldoom,

    Your art work and pictures are fantastic. You have great talent in your field. It is a great God given ability. Thanks

  5. محمود عبد الرحمن

    عزيزي خلدون

    بدواعي سروري اطلعت على موقعك وفعلا عمل جيد جدا وفقك الله واخذ بيدك انا مع زاهد بأن
    .. تدخل آثار العراق المنسية في عملك الفني
    أعجبت كثيرا بالفن الصيني وطريقة اضافته وتنوعه
    .في عملك بطريقة فريدة وجميلة جدا
    اتمنى لك كل النجاح والتقدم فيما تصبحوا اليه
    محمود عبد الرحمن

  6. أرى فذي هذه اللوحات اسلوبها مبسطا فيه اللون صارخ وكانه يشدك وكلمات بخط بسيط وتراكبا في المساحات لتشكل لوحة. اعتقد ان ذلك
    الأسلوب شكل مدرسة متفردة.
    تحياتنا للأخ خلدون وللموقع الجميل

  7. Adrian mcpherson

    Hi,kal thank you. I love the strong use of color in your art. I am looking a round our house for a sutabil places we could display a piece and will get back to you within two weeks. Happy new year to you.

  8. وفقك الله واخذ بيدك لوحات جميله والوان متناسقه وجهود كبيره بذلتها لاخراج هذا الموقع بصوره متميزه بارك الله بك وبالتوفيق الدائم ان شاء الله

  9. Mohamed Shalaby

    Masha’allah brother Mahmoud. Very nice website design and intuitive show of your work. Keep the good work going insha’allah.

  10. اشرف نجيب يونس

    بارك الله بجهودكم المبذولة باظهار الفن العربي الاسلامي بطريقة حديثة

  11. Raad Khalel Taha

    حقيقه عمل بديع وتداخل بين الألوان رائع اتمنى لك التوفيق استاذ خلدون

  12. أشرف نجيب يونس

    موقع فني متميز و جهود كبيرة مبذولة لإخراجه بهذا الشكل الجميل
    بارك الله بكم اخي استاذ خلدون
    مع اطيب تمنياتنا بدوام الابداع

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