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The name of God, Lord, Rabb in arabic language is called ALLAH

Salam, Hello and Kia ora, Welcome to multi_faceted designer and talented artist, Khaldoon (KAL) Abdul Razzaq Al Said Mahmoud online gallery garden of design and art, all done by freehand style, computer and all different and unique. 90% of the designs and artworks in KAL website are new, so please enjoy viewing it, and please dont let any mistake holding you not to view the rest of the website because KAL think it contains alot of interesting designs and art, and by the way KAL website is done for everybody in the family, Thanks for your time and custom.

Khaldoon (KAL) is Iraqi Kiwi came to New Zealand in 1995 and he lived in Auckland city and he was born in Mosul Iraq in 1951, finally and by the way this website it contain subjects for Muslim and none Muslim, Thanks.
The logo of Khaldoon Mahmoud, designed by Khaldoon (KAL)
لقد كان الشرف للمصمم خلدون محمود ان يقوم بتصميم (منصة صاحب السمو امير دولة الكويت)وذلك في عام ( ١٩٨٥)
The designer Khaldoon (kal) Mahmoud had a honour to design (high prince of state of kuwait stand) at (1985)
Khaldoon (KAL) Abdul Razzaq Al Said Mahmoud at Austin 2016, USA

رجاءا اضغط على اي تصميم او رسم لكي يكبر وشكرا
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